Monday, June 6, 2011

hovering right above me

Graduation is tomorrow.

It's the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's also the beginning of an empty road. This is the moment that I've wished for for a long time. It's the moment that I spent my childhood hearing about, sometimes seeing, but never being in. It's the "real thing", since elementary school graduation was a run-through. And we didn't even bother having a middle school graduation ceremony.

Graduation is in a grand hall that seats over 5,000 people. It allows me the chance to walk across a stage, potentially trip and embarrass myself in front of thousands of people, but receive a sheet of paper that supposedly indicates my success at growing up.

I feel anxious, nervous, happy, and mostly a little scared. A fear for the end of my childhood, of mistakes to start that will actually matter, of friendships that may come to an end, of life coming at us so speedily.

Good luck, Class of 2011.

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